Tuesday, April 1, 2025
    HomeChurchWhere Are The Preachers? Replaced By Technology?

    Where Are The Preachers? Replaced By Technology?

    And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations. (Matt.24:14). Where have all the preachers gone?

    Is it possible to preach the Gospel to the Whole World?

    With all the technology we have, we still have only reached a fraction of the world. Christian Radio can only reach where there is a radio and that will only ever be where people value the technology. Not to mention that it can only reach largely where the antenna is pointed. T.V. evangelism is always going to be restricted to relatively affluent communities. Therefore it can reach even less of the world by a factor of possibly ten and that’s being very conservative.

    Scripture translation despite its vital importance in growing the church to maturity, cannot or will not be read by more than 2/3rds of the world. Assuming of course that such translations even exist yet. The message on tape, CD, video, MP3, App or film has the potential to reach many many more than any of the above yet they all still suffer from the same problem as all the other technologies. Someone to take it to the people.

    The Technology Will Never Replace People in The Spreading of The Gospel

    With all the Tech available, the preacher is able to essentially multiply his effectiveness many times more than his individual efforts alone. For that matter, the preacher doesn’t even have to preach. The preacher just has to be willing to go! The Tech alone cannot and will not ever be able to replace people. No matter how many people are won to The Lord Jesus Christ, sooner or later there has to be personal contact with the people.

    The message is a message of relationship and a relationship can’t be had without personal contact.

    With all the Tech available at some point, we still need a preacher. If nothing else there will always be a need for someone to provide the manpower through manual hand cranking (or foot cranking in some cases) or to provide the fuel for the generators.

    Where are the preachers? Where are you?




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