From Local Trailblazer to Global Storyteller: A Missionary's Journey Within Australia It is funny really when I first arrived at Bible College, many years ago now, the first question that fellow students asked was, "Where do you intend to serve?" They immediately assumed that I would be a missionary somewhere overseas. It was always amusing to see the look of confusion on their faces when I said … [Read more...]
Mission: The Western Church & Pentecost
Why is it that so much of the Western church thinks that we can either be careless about our mission or make excuses as to why we are not doing anything? In Acts chapter 2 One of the most powerful events occurs. Certainly the most significant events outside of Creation and the resurrections of Jesus Christ. This is the day of Pentecost. It was also the day when mission was empowered. The … [Read more...]
Where Are The Preachers? Replaced By Technology?
And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations. (Matt.24:14). Where have all the preachers gone? Is it possible to preach the Gospel to the Whole World? With all the technology we have, we still have only reached a fraction of the world. Christian Radio can only reach where there is a radio and that will only ever be where people value the … [Read more...]
Missionary in A Tin: An Interview of Joy Ridderhof
The story of Missionary in A Tin is told about someone who was unpacking a truck. They were being watched with interest by a fellow countryman. With the usual collection of supplies and necessities, a round biscuit tin-shaped item was unpacked. After the remainder of the supplies were unpacked the driver then proceeded to the round biscuit tin-shaped item and opened it up. A hand-cranked … [Read more...]
Share the Good News: The Power of Storytelling
In the world of Christian evangelism, the age-old question persists: What's the best way to share the good news? The answer is not one-size-fits-all, as the method depends on various factors, including personal preference and cultural context. One aspect of Christian communication that stands the test of time is oral tradition. Jesus Himself, the central figure of Christianity, was a master of … [Read more...]
When Did You Last Offer Jesus a Drink Of Water?
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of the values and principles that truly matter. The story of offering Jesus a drink of water is a reminder of the importance of compassion, kindness, and selflessness in our interactions with others. While it might seem like a simple act, the underlying message is profound. When did you last offer Jesus a drink of water? The … [Read more...]
Gospel Stories: The Importance of Communicating Well
Puzzling Listener Response I did a presentation the other day on Gospel stories and I was very pleased yet perplexed with one of the responses I got from one of the listeners. I was explaining to everyone, the importance of stories in communicating the gospel in story form, like this: The Power of Stories in Gospel Communication - Preferred Method Across Societies Stories for those of you … [Read more...]
Faith in Missions: Unraveling the Paradox
Unveiling the Paradox of Faith: The Interplay of Gift and Responsibility in Christian Missions A faith in missions like GRN must by definition have a strong grasp of Faith. Faith in Missions is central to anyone wanting to do missions or be a missionary. Not to mention it is pivotal to any Christian. Yet I have and still do, as do many Christians, struggle with aspects of faith like "If … [Read more...]
Bible Translation: A Closer Look at Word-for-Word Method
The Art of Bible Translation: The Word-for-Word Approach The Bible is one of the most widely translated books in history, with versions available in over 700 languages. Translating the Bible is a complex and challenging task, as it involves rendering the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts into a language that people can understand. One of the most popular approaches to Bible translation is … [Read more...]
Speaking in Tongues & Global Recordings Network
Has GRN been secretly promoting Glossolalia, the gift of speaking in tongues, since it started? I think such a headline would be worthy of modern media. I thought it would be fun to write an article as though it were written by the sensationalist media of this day and age. Global Recordings Network (GRN), is of course a highly reputable well established mission established in 1939. Its … [Read more...]