Sunday, February 23, 2025
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    Canaan Conquest Discovery Unveiled: Ancient Inscription


    Archaeologists have always been intrigued by the ancient Canaan conquest that occurred over three thousand years ago. This conquest is known to have been brutal and bloody. Many a tale of battles and heroic deeds being told. However, a recent discovery has shocked the world providing new insight into the Canaan conquest. An ancient inscription has been found that reveals a shocking revelation about life during this time.

    Unearthing The Secrets of The Canaan Conquest

    The Canaan conquest was a significant moment in history, with the Israelites taking over the land from its original inhabitants. For many years, archaeologists have been trying to piece together the events of this time. It has been a topic of much debate and speculation. However, recent findings have revealed new insights into this time. Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient city and its surrounding area, which is believed to have been at its heart. This discovery has provided us with a glimpse into the lives of those who lived during this period.

    Unveiling an Ancient Inscription with a Shocking Revelation

    In a significant breakthrough, archaeologists have discovered an ancient inscription that provides a new insight into the Canaan conquest. The inscription was found on a stone tablet. It reveals that the Israelites were not the only conquerors of the land. According to the inscription, a group of people known as the Sea People also played a significant role in the conquest. It was previously believed that the Israelites were the only ones to conquer the Canaan land.

    The discovery of the inscription is significant in that it provides us with a new understanding of the Canaan conquest. It also highlights how little we know about this period in history and how much more there is to discover. With further research and excavation, we may uncover more secrets about the Canaan conquest and the people who lived during this time. This discovery is a reminder that there is always more to learn, and we must continue to explore and discover to gain a better understanding of our past.

    The discovery of the ancient inscription has shed new light on the Canaan conquest and has provided us with a glimpse into the past. It is a reminder that our history is rich and varied, and there is always more to discover. As we continue to unearth new clues and secrets, we will undoubtedly gain a deeper understanding of our past and the people who shaped it. The discovery of the ancient inscription is a landmark moment in our understanding of the Canaan conquest, and it is sure to inspire further exploration and discovery in the years to come.

    Dead Sea Scrolls: Unraveling The Mystery: Part 2


    Welcome back to the second part of our unravelling of the Dead Sea Scrolls mystery! In Part 1, we discussed the background of these ancient texts and how they were discovered. Here we dive deeper into the secrets and the ongoing efforts to decipher them. Get ready to discover some hidden treasures!

    Dead Sea Scrolls Unveiling Hidden Treasures: Part 2!

    As mentioned in Part 1, the Dead Sea Scrolls contain significant religious and historical insights. Still, because of their age and the deterioration of the materials, deciphering them has been a difficult task. In recent years, scholars have been using new and innovative techniques to reveal the secrets of these ancient texts.

    One of the most exciting developments in this field is the use of advanced imaging technology to enhance the readability of the scrolls. Digitally unravelling fragments that were previously unreadable, reveals new information about the texts’ content and the writing materials used. These advancements have already led to the discovery of previously unknown biblical passages. To insights into the Essenes, the group believed to have authored the scrolls.

    Discovering Hidden Secrets: Part 2!

    Besides the use of imaging technology, other innovative approaches are being used to decipher the Dead Sea Scrolls. For instance, scientists are analyzing the DNA of the animal skins used to make the parchment paper on which the scrolls were written. This research can give us insight into the animals’ origins and the ancient trade routes of the materials used.

    Another fascinating aspect of the ongoing study of the scrolls is the use of artificial intelligence. Computer programs are being developed that can read and classify the texts, making them more accessible to scholars worldwide.

    These efforts to uncover the secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls are ongoing, and there is no doubt that we will continue to make exciting discoveries in the years to come.

    The Dead Sea Scrolls are more than just ancient texts; they are a window into the past, offering us insights into the religious, political, and cultural history of the time. Thanks to modern technology and the tireless efforts of researchers, we can better understand the scrolls’ significance and the role they played in shaping history. Who knows what other hidden treasures we will uncover in the future – keep your eyes peeled!

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    Dead Sea Scrolls: Cracking the Code: Unraveling the Mystery


    The Dead Sea Scrolls have been one of the most fascinating archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. These ancient texts, date back to the 3rd century BC. They were found in caves near the Dead Sea in Israel thus the name. For many years, scholars have been trying to decode these texts and unravel the mystery behind them. In this article, we will provide you with the ultimate guide to uncovering the secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling the Dead Sea Scrolls Mystery!

    The Dead Sea Scrolls comprise a collection of over 900 ancient Jewish texts. Topics cover religious beliefs, laws, and practices. Written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, the scrolls are considered one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.

    The process of decoding the Dead Sea Scrolls has been a challenging one. The texts were written on parchment and papyrus. These have been damaged over time, making it difficult to read, translate, and understand the content. However, with the advancements in technology, scholars have been able to use digital imaging techniques to uncover hidden text. Thus they are now able to decode the scrolls more effectively.

    Despite the challenges, the Dead Sea Scrolls have provided us with a wealth of knowledge about ancient Judaism. Including the history of the Middle East, and the development of Christianity. They have also shed light on the religious and political beliefs of the Essenes, a Jewish sect that lived in the region during the Second Temple period.

    Cracking the Code!

    One of the most exciting aspects of this is the discovery of new texts and fragments. In recent years, scholars have uncovered fragments of the Book of Ezekiel, Psalms, and even new works not previously known, such as the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice.

    The decryption of these texts has been a significant achievement for scholars. The scrolls have provided us with a window into the past and have helped us understand the religious beliefs of ancient Jewish communities. They have also helped us understand the development of Judaism and Christianity and their impact on the history of the Middle East.

    The Scrolls continue to fascinate scholars and researchers worldwide. The process of deciphering these ancient texts has been a long and challenging one, but with the advancements in technology, we continue to uncover new information about the scrolls and their significance. The discovery of new texts and fragments has opened new doors to understanding the history and religious beliefs of the ancient world. By cracking the code of the Dead Sea Scrolls, we have unlocked a treasure trove of knowledge about our past.

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    Bible Translation: A Closer Look at Word-for-Word Method


    The Art of Bible Translation: The Word-for-Word Approach

    The Bible is one of the most widely translated books in history, with versions available in over 700 languages. Translating the Bible is a complex and challenging task, as it involves rendering the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts into a language that people can understand. One of the most popular approaches to Bible translation is the word-for-word method. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this approach and explore the joys of unpacking the beauty and nuances of Scripture, one word at a time.

    The Joy of Unpacking the Beauty and Nuances of Scripture, One Word at a Time

    Formal equivalence is the term for the word-for-word approach to Bible translation. This method seeks to translate the original text as literally as possible, preserving the syntax and word order of the original language. The goal is to provide readers with a highly accurate and reliable translation. True to the original meaning of the text.

    One of the joys of using the word-for-word approach to Bible translation is the opportunity to dig deeper into the nuances and beauty of the original language. Each word carries with it a wealth of meaning and context.

    By translating each word as accurately as possible, we can unlock new insights and revelations from the text. This approach also allows readers to better understand the cultural and historical context of the Bible. Other translation methods lose Idioms and phrases

    Another benefit of the word-for-word approach is more precision in the translation of theological concepts and ideas. By staying true to the original language, we can avoid misinterpretations. This ensures that the message of the Bible is communicated clearly and accurately.

    The word-for-word approach to translating the Bible is a powerful tool for unlocking the beauty and truth of Scripture. By taking the time to translate each word as accurately as possible, we can gain new insights. And a deeper appreciation for the inspired words of the Bible. Whether you are a scholar, a pastor, or a devoted reader of the Bible, the word-for-word approach can help you deepen your understanding and connect more fully with the heart of God.

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    Speaking in Tongues & Global Recordings Network


    Has GRN been secretly promoting Glossolalia, the gift of speaking in tongues, since it started?

    I think such a headline would be worthy of modern media. I thought it would be fun to write an article as though it were written by the sensationalist media of this day and age. Global Recordings Network (GRN),  is of course a highly reputable well established mission established in 1939. Its services are now used by other missions all over the world. But I tried to imagine just what an article would be like about GRN if it were written by the sensational media and the following is the result. I hope you enjoy it.

    Controversial Organisation Speaking in Tongues To The World

    The roomers are that Acts chapter 2 is at play here in whole new ways. Constantly facing significant opposition to their particular stand, they still persist. Despite this opposition, this speaking in tongues still manages to fly under the radar of many.

    Indeed sometimes they go to considerable effort to keep it that way. Don’t be misled however, staying under the radar does not mean that they do not promote their brand of Glossolalia.

    Oh no! Starting out under the guise of Gospel Recordings, one frail woman joyfully used her particular gift of persuasion, to find the most ingenious method of winning converts to the cause.

    Worse, when this woman found the right tools, she had the audacity to rejoice over subjecting others to this message, all for the cause of what she dared to call freedom.

    Then when the name Gospel Recordings became too hot, they change the name to Language Recordings. Then again to Global Recordings Network (GRN). Supposedly for political reasons and using a flimsy excuse of “it avoids confusion” this deceptively simple means of getting converts persisted.

    They even try to disguise what they are doing by avoiding the word tounges. Instead, they say they are recording Languages.

    But I know better. The secret is out and not even the new name of GRN will stop them from being known. I can restrain myself no longer.

    Gifts of The Spirit

    What am I talking about? They can call it whatever they like but I call it for what it is.

    GRN promotes the very least of the gifts of the spirit.

    They promote Speaking in Tongues!

    Not the run of the mill generic brand babble either. These people have the front to promote the sort of speaking in tongues that were expounded in Acts Chapter 2. When everybody heard their own language.

    But they go even further. They promote speaking in tongues of every language and I mean every language. From the most obscure to the most popular.

    Not just French, German, Spanish etc. GRN promote the speaking of languages, the names of which most people have never heard. Over 6000 of them in fact. But not just languages, they even use people’s dialects.

    This is diabolical! We all know how susceptible people are when they hear something in their own language and dialects.

    It’s true!

    Don’t just believe me. You can listen to them for yourself. Yes, that’s right, recordings of this phenomenon are made available for everyone to download. All thousands of them and the number is ever-increasing.

    Book of Acts and Speaking in Tongues

    They say that they use translators and scripts. But there is no denying that it is a gift of the spirit when they hear it. After all, the first record of using other languages to promote the good news of Jesus was in the book of Acts.

    What is the book of acts called?

    It is called Acts of the Holy Spirit. So no matter what technology is used to promote the good news, if it is following in the footsteps of the Acts of the Holy Spirit it must be a gift of the Spirit.

    Is that not so?

    Well, you wouldn’t expect it to be called anything else, would you?

    Can you imagine the dangers involved if people get their hands on the story of Jesus in every language?

    It might just turn the world upside down.

    Be wary everyone, the GRN form of speaking in tongues is on the move.

    Gospel Preaching Making Out of Wax


    What is the secret of multiplying your Gospel preaching? Preaching the good news and revolutionising your ministry to all nations?

    It’s obvious isn’t it; or is it? GRN recordings do have the ability to make multiple preachers out of one. One person can distribute the recordings to many people. Every time a person listens to that recording it’s like that one person is right there preaching. Even though they are off somewhere else.

    In this way, one person gets to multiply the Gospel message. It can be heard in many different places. In many different languages and dialects. More or less at the same time.

    But there is more to this multiplication than that and I only realised it when I started to read an old GRN book called “A Mans Hand” by Sanna Barlow Rossi.

    The People Themselves Can Tell The Message

    He said “…to get these recordings out … that they will have “wax preachers” to repeat in their own language the story of how sin entered the worlds, how Christ came, how He died for our sins, how He rose again. The records will say the same words again and again until the people themselves can tell the message they have learned.”

    Of course, the wax refers to the records that were used to distribute the recordings in those days, before cassettes and way before MP3s. They were vinal but were often referred to as wax. Possibly because that is the way recordings were originally made, onto wax cylinders.

    Of course, it is commonplace to have the gospel recorded in many different formats and in multiple languages. But the message in those formats is still limited to a relatively few main world languages. Despite the far-reaching nature of the internet,

    With well in excess of 6000 (yes 6000 that is not a typo) the reach of GRN is far more extensive than just about any other database and because people can download the message or get it given to them on the hardware available the people can listen to the message in potentially even their own dialect, over and over again until they have it memorised and can do the telling (preaching) themselves.

    In the end, it is people that will do the preaching. If we get them the message in the first place.

    Daily Devotions on Rejoicing, Joy Ridderhof


    Joy Ridderhof, the founder of GRN, on the subject of rejoicing, wrote,

    “I have a deep conviction that wherever, no matter how restricted by circumstance, a song of praise goes up and up, from loving hearts, consistently, in continual thanksgiving for all He sends through trial or pain, it shall reach even unto the end of the earth!

    No walls can hinder it, no vault can retain it, no distance can deter it, hot suns cannot wither it, nor pelting rains drown it!

    Joy has three (3) 31-day daily devotions on rejoicing, that are preserved on the GRN website. They are called Count It All Joy!With Joy and Rejoicing! and Are You Rejoicing?

    Rejoicing Devotional Booklets

    The above daily devotions on rejoicing, have been compiled into convenient little booklets that you can download for free

    Each booklet is the perfect encouragement for a month to refresh and stretch your faith as you read each day.

    I am not a particularly joyous type of person. However, I was inspired when reading these devotions. I don’t think I will ever be a happy-clappy type of person. But putting into practice the things I have learned from these devotionals, has challenged me to be more positive about many of life’s greatest difficulties.

    Suffice it to say, I highly recommend these booklets. If they can be a positive challenge to me then there is a pretty good chance that they will inspire you as well.

    May we all put that faith to work for the glory of God and the good of all nations!



    Find all the Hidden Books of The Bible


    Here is a bit of fun.

    This is a pretty strange story but I’m given to understand that all 66 books of the bible are in it. I have never been able to find all 66 but if you are into puzzles you may enjoy this one.


    Speaking soberly, the numbers were up in the Middle East. There was old Chief Mejud gesticulating wildly. The facts were plain – in truth, he had a narrow escape! His fez, raiment and marked face showed it. Never did you see so dismal a chief. Queer at any time, to see him now minus hose and shoes, and wearing as comic a hat as could be made, it was quite a job to suppress a laugh.

    It All happened near ancient Ai. What to them made this a holy place? One thing was a mysterious letter J on a high cliff. There was little else there except a small market and a stall selling coffee, but the brew smelt vile. A fakir sat there too he pumps alms from all comers. The stall-holder, Samu elegant in a striped robe, promptly drew attention to the curious carving. “See that J? Oh, nothing in the world is more wonderful! “We asked..”What is wonderful about the J?” “O eleven centuries old it is. Sir”‘just then a toothless hag gained my ear. She, a most pitiful figure, paused to reston the parapet ere saying leeringly, “You have money?” I fluked a reply, “Not I. moth, you know, and rust corrupt earthly store.”

    In Such A Jam

    Being in such a jam, escape was obviously necessary, so I said to Mejud. “Excuse me, can I annex, O dusty chief, your car?” He consented, and to gain the sedan, I elbowed my way out, a man from Ghana humming a tune at side. “I am at the work: of tracing a tobacco theft”, he told me several times. It was his subject of constant complaint. “That tobacco loss”, I answered, “is of little account. It would have gone up in smoke anyway”. This man, though claiming good education had adopted the role of a tramp (rover).B.Sc. stood after his name, gained at Oxford. Two others in his family were still home in West Africa – a brother named Eugene, sister called (strangely enough) Adelphi. Lemon-growing occupied their time. He said “At home they mockingly ask, ‘Where is the prodigal at?’ ‘’ I answered that it used to be incorrect to us “at” in this manner. His general command of English was poor for an Oxford graduate. For instance, he would refer to the neuter gender as “dueter”! “O, no, my dear sir”, I frequently had to exclaim.

    This is really too bad – I, a home-body, roaming the Near East with strange companions. Yet, from answers received from my superiors it will be home sweet home soon. I no longer revel at Ionian bouts as of old.



    Evangelism: Just Be There & Care


    I’m not a big proponent of Social Gospel, winning soles or any other program as forms of evangelism. I think that they all have their place but they all seriously miss the mark. True evangelism is to just be there and care

    Social Gospel

    Social Gospel is the idea that Christians’ sole activity should be on promoting social justice.

    Don’t get me wrong social justice is integral to the gospel. James makes it perfectly clear. You cannot be a true believer if your belief is not backed by deeds to those in need (James 2:14ff). The problem comes when people become convinced that if they do good work then they are Christian. If you are a true believer you should find yourself compelled to do justice. Because of the renewing power of the Holy Spirit in your life. But doing good does not by itself make you a Christian.

    Now we know that this doesn’t happen. But why doesn’t it happen? Well basically for the same reason that James had to write his epistle; people are confused by the deceiving power of the world and need to have the situation clarified.

    Winning Soles

    This confusion is basically the converse of the Social Gospel and is equally misguided. I have even heard the story of Peter healing the lame beggar (Act 3:6) used as a justification that we should concentrate on “winning soles” not on social justice. It is about making converts, not social change. But the whole point of the passage is to show that the two are inseparable. You cannot have one without the other and call it God’s Good News (Gospel).

    The history of the church is profoundly full of Social Justice busting out whenever there is a worldwide revival. This is seen no more clearly than in the establishment of the Salvation Army. Where their Slogan of “Heart to God’s hand to man”, is the most theologically sound and succinct expression of what the true motivation of Christians should be. How could you not be inspired by the call to fight no matter what denomination you belong to?

    When we look at the state of the church generally, in western society we are losing the spiritual war at the moment. I don’t believe that God will allow that to continue indefinitely. It will turn about. But for the moment, we are focusing on the wrong thing and we need to do our part to turn that about.

    As Christians, we will always have to struggle with political agendas and we will always have the drive to win soles but we must always struggle to make neither of those our main focus. Our main focus should always be God and as a result, people.

    More Programs

    That also doesn’t mean that we should be creating more programs. Social justice, evangelical or any other kind.

    One of the other big mistakes that Christians make is to create more programs. Programs are great and can be great ministries in themselves but their downside is that whilst they often help bring people to the kingdom they can often become the focus themselves rather than God and they do little to build the main congregation.

    So what should be doing?

    Honestly, the best thing we can be doing is to be there for people when they need us and care about what is happening to them. That does not mean you need another program to do that. it can and in fact, should be done on a one-to-one basis.

    If we show genuine care for people the church will grow. you don’t need programs for that. that doesn’t mean that you should abandon programs just that they should not get in the way of one-to-one relationships.

    Just be there and care. That’s the best kind of evangelism.

    Maybe this video will help you understand what I’m talking about.


    Story: The Doorway To Our Soles


    I’m sure I don’t know but there is no debating that everybody will listen to some of the most boring things in the world if they are put into story form. And they are just downright reverting if the subject matter is, in itself interesting.

    What is it that attracts us To A Good Story or Yarn?

    I wrote an article about story some time ago saying that they were the first form of mass entertainment. The art form still holds its power today.

    Throughout history, it has been THE form of communication for some of our most famous people. The vast majority of the bible is primarily in story format. It certainly was the preferred method of communication of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Surprisingly, even though they almost certainly have unintentionally used the format in their work down through the generations, it is only in modern times that the power of a good yarn has been acknowledged by missionary organizations around the world. In fact, there is a new website dedicated to teaching people how to tell the gospel in story form.

    Art As a Way of Telling Yarns

    Next time you feel like criticizing the older church denominations, such as the Orthodox and the Catholic for their ornate art in and around their churches, check yourself. Because in a society of literate people, it is all too easy to miss the fact that mass literacy is a very modern occurrence. Even today, only one-third of the world’s population read. Most of the art in older churches tells a story. It was and still is in some cases, the best way available to get the word about.

    A number of years ago I was intensely interested in marketing. So I did a number of courses on it. What caught my attention very quickly, was the emphasis that almost every marketer put on telling a story. Even those who didn’t use the term clearly described it.

    Clearly, a story is truly the widow to the sole and if you want to communicate anything; health messages, new products, the Gospel, your best way of doing it is through a story.

    I think that it is safe to say that story is never going away. If we are interested in effectively communicating the Gospel we must learn how to tell stories. There are plenty of storytelling tools to help do that but why not start with learning how to tell your own story?
