Wednesday, March 12, 2025
    HomeChurchMissionary in A Tin: An Interview of Joy Ridderhof

    Missionary in A Tin: An Interview of Joy Ridderhof

    The story of Missionary in A Tin is told about someone who was unpacking a truck. They were being watched with interest by a fellow countryman. With the usual collection of supplies and necessities, a round biscuit tin-shaped item was unpacked.

    After the remainder of the supplies were unpacked the driver then proceeded to the round biscuit tin-shaped item and opened it up. A  hand-cranked record player was revealed. On it, he placed a 78-style vinyl record. At that point, The driver began to crank the handle and the stories of salvation flowed. 

    After listening for a short while to the story of Jesus, the on-looker said, “I’ve heard of tinned beans, tinned fruit, even tinned meat but this is the first time I’ve heard of tinned missionary”.

    Joy Ridderhof and GRN

    The Missionary in A Tin story is told by the interviewer as an introduction to an interview of Joy Ridderhof. A quietly spoken lady. Who had a passion for telling the story of Jesus to everyone in their own heart language? Someone who was so driven to get the good news to those she could no longer go to, that she resorted to audio recording. A technology that in her early days was in its infancy.

    Of course, we have well and truly moved on from vinyl records. Since that time many innovative players have been developed. Card Talk, hand wind cassette players, MP3 players and Apps called 5Fish. But this is a wonderful story of the beginnings of Gospel Recordings (now called Global Recordings Network – GRN) told by the lady herself.

    The quality of the video is showing its age but it is still good listening. GRN now have the stories of Jesus in over 6000 languages. No that is not too many zeros. I challenge you to download 5Fish on your phone. you can then share the stories of the bible with all your friends in whatever language they prefer.




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