O" Then said Jesus to his disciples, If any man will follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." 1 The strangeness of a message of Good News that is Catching Flies with Vinegar. A Pastor Gathered All The Children A Pastor gathered all the children around him to give a brief lesson before dismissing them for the children's church. He started by saying, "I'm going to … [Read more...]
Communion – Forbearance – Matt. 5: 23-24
"Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and you remember that your brother has something against you; Leave your gift before the altar, and go and first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift 1. So goes one of the most commonly quoted passages used for Holy Communion (Eucharist) and forbearance. Through all the teachings, parables and prayers of Jesus, the … [Read more...]
Community: Unity Among Diversity – Acts 2:40-47
Some say that we should break down the denominational barriers to show our unity. I say that I am happy to have as many denominations as people want. Including those who are of the denomination of no denomination. That is, those who are theologically opposed to being members of a church. That is what true community is. I have one proviso though. I am opposed to those who do not build the … [Read more...]
Forgiving When You Are Angry
How do you go about forgiving when you are angry at those who hurt you? What do you do to make the anger subside? How do you curb the resentment? What do you do to make the pain go away? I've had many conversations about this. Both with God and others. One of the issues that I had to deal with was my Charismatic church experience. As many of you may know, in Charismatic circles, it is … [Read more...]
Delving into The Past
I have a problem, theologically, with delving into the past of my life and seeking forgiveness. When I was a younger Christian, in fact when I was younger period, I had a lot to do with Para church organizations. It was a big thing back then, to set aside time to deliberately search through one's memories to see what things you had done wrong. Then, set about sending letters or making contact … [Read more...]
Be Inspired By Good News Not Bad – Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8. In other words be inspired by Good News, not Bad. We all know how hard it is to abide by this verse. I … [Read more...]
Moses Smashed The Tablets: A Tantrum or Avoiding The Profane
The Scene at Mt. Sinai As he descended from the sacred heights of Mt. Sinai, he encountered a scene that shook him to his core. The Israelites, whom he had led out of Egypt with the promise of a covenant with the one true God, were now entangled in revelry and debauchery. Moses smashed the tablets of stone (Ex.32:19). A Moment of Divine Displeasure Moses, the chosen intermediary between God and … [Read more...]
Father’s Business – Naughty Jesus Luke 2:41 – 51
A Family Vacation - A Milestone Event When Jesus was about 12 we have a story in Luke Chapter 2 of Him being about the Father's business. His family did their regular 12-month visit to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter. Wait...What? Of course, this was before Easter existed. Jesus' family were coming down to celebrate Passover. At the same time of year, Jesus was hung on the cross. But there are a … [Read more...]
Biblical Tithing: From Ancient Practices to New Principles
The concept of giving a portion of one's earnings or spoils of war is deeply rooted in ancient civilizations. Including from Greece to China. This practice involved making gifts as religious offerings or paying tribute to political authorities. Tithing, the act of giving one-tenth, found its place in the biblical narrative, carrying a rich history that evolved. It is a practice rooted in ancient … [Read more...]
Be A Missionary: What It means To Be One
From Local Trailblazer to Global Storyteller: A Missionary's Journey Within Australia It is funny really when I first arrived at Bible College, many years ago now, the first question that fellow students asked was, "Where do you intend to serve?" They immediately assumed that I would be a missionary somewhere overseas. It was always amusing to see the look of confusion on their faces when I said … [Read more...]