Part of Paul's wonderful prayer contains some of the most controversial language in Christian history. It launched generations of debate on predestination and election. Ephesians 1:4-8 This is not just about predestination and election but also about blessing: 4 just as he chose us to be in him* before the beginning of this world so that in love we could be holy and without fault before him. … [Read more...]
The Opening Prayer, Triune God, Blessings – Ephesians 1:3 -14
Ephesians 1:3-14 After his greeting of grace and Peace, Paul bursts out in an opening prayer: 3 Praise God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with all that's spiritually good in the heavenly world, 4 just as he chose us to be in him* before the beginning of this world so that in love we could be holy and without fault before him. 5 He decided in advance to adopt … [Read more...]
Authority & Blessing Of Paul in Ephesians 1:1-2
Having given an overview of the letter to the Ephesians let's now take a deeper look. Paul’s Authority and Blessing In these first 2 verses, Paul establishes his authority and gives his blessing. 1 This letter comes from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to God's will, to the Christians* in Ephesus and those who trust in Christ Jesus. 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and … [Read more...]
My Ephesians Study Overview
My Ephesians Study Overview: Grace, Blood, Exodus, Deliverance and New Humans An Ephesians study overview. With notes from: N.T. Write an online Course on Ephesians Dr Tim Mackie of The Bible Project Online Class on Ephesians and Dr Michel Heiser, The Unseen Realm. A Letter To All, Even You is Plural Although acknowledged in our Bibles as being written to the … [Read more...]
Under-Taught Serious Christians With A Desire To Think & Revival
One of the visiting lectures we had when I was in bible college was J. Edwin Orr. He lectured on revival. A theme that I have long been interested in. He gave example after example of revivals breaking out after prayer meetings and hence made it clear just how important prayer is if we want to see people turning to the Lord. However, I have come to realise over the years that there is more to it. … [Read more...]
Daniel Questions – Against the Flow
Below is a list of questions taken directly from the book "Against the Flow" (Affiliate link) a study of the Old Testament Bible Book of Daniel. The book is subtitled, "The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism". It is written by John C Lennox. There is also a study guide (Affiliate link) that you can purchase separately. I found the book to be very useful. Not so much from his … [Read more...]
Church Community: If Yours Was So Well Off No One Had Needs
What if your church community was so well off that everybody in the congregation had no needs? What if: If everybody looked out for each other and anybody who was in need had their needs met? From within the congregation? The financial situation within a church congregation was so stable that there was plenty to give to missions. As well as philanthropic endeavours. All done with a … [Read more...]
Picnic With Skee: Dragon’s Dinner Dilemma
A Short Story Just For Fun “I wish you wouldn’t look at me like that,” I grumble, laying out the blanket. “It’s not my fault you’re the size of a house, I got the biggest Picnic blanket I could. She snorted scornfully, planting her rump on the farthest corner of the blanket in sullen protest of my words. I sighed, laying down my pack and opening it. “Don’t be like that,” I scolded, pulling out … [Read more...]
Living Sacrifice & Evangelical Mission
Nor“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship”1. What does it mean to be a living sacrifice? Evangelical Missionaries Working Themselves To Death? Does being an Evangelical Missionary or for that matter a Christian, mean that I have to work myself to death? Being … [Read more...]
Good News Catching Flies With Vinegar – Mt 16:21-28
O" Then said Jesus to his disciples, If any man will follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." 1 The strangeness of a message of Good News that is Catching Flies with Vinegar. A Pastor Gathered All The Children A Pastor gathered all the children around him to give a brief lesson before dismissing them for the children's church. He started by saying, "I'm going to … [Read more...]